Maybe not everyone but most of us did anyway. I had mine back in grade school to chronicle all my memories and mishaps but out of my desperation in my own handwriting back then, I threw it away.
I know! I know!
I should not have done it. Regardless of my terrible handwriting, those are precious memories I was supposed to keep. But it is a part of the past now and I can’t do anything about the unfortunate diary. May you rest in peace, my dear.
Fast forward to my high school days.
As cliché as it may sound, high school is the best part of our lives and I can attest to that as well. High school has this charm that college and even the corporate world does not have. Maybe it’s the freshness and innocence of reality? I don’t know.
Anyway, it was in high school when I considered someone special though it’s unrequited. Ouch!
You know what that means? A new journal, obviously.
I think he was really special I dedicated a whole notebook to him. But just like any other processes, it is the first part that is always the hardest. I was on hiatus from making journals for so long I didn’t know how I was going to start with it.
There came the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. In the movie, Caroline was asked by her mother Daisy to read a diary owned by Benjamin. The diary included all of his musings and life events with pictures, postcards and other souvenirs inside.

Benjamin’s Diary. Photo via Criterion Confessions.
The concept gave me the idea for my project. I bought a notebook. I chose this orange one from Papemelroti. I like that it is ruled (‘coz I can’t seem to write straight without the lines) and it gives a certain vintage vibe in which I never realized I want to achieve on this diary.
Then, I wrote about events I wanted to immortalize. Photos, clippings, and souvenirs are also inside this notebook and were secured with paper clips and glue.
Voila! Now, I have something I can go back to whenever I feel like reminiscing. It turned out better than expected so it means I wouldn’t be throwing this one out. *winks*
I like this look so much I decided to recreate this in the near future, hopefully.
How about you?
- Do you keep a journal? How is the experience of keeping one?